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  1. HeadTracker.tar.gz

  2. Opens Web cam and finds face and tracks it ... OpenCv OpenGL QT,Opens Web cam and finds face and tracks it ... OpenCv OpenGL QT
  3. 所属分类:Linux-Unix program

    • 发布日期:2017-05-03
    • 文件大小:1430313
    • 提供者:Asp3ctus
  1. myface-0.2.2.alfa.tar.gz

  2. 应用QT和OpenCV编写的有关人脸识别的程序代码,适合在linux下应用opencv的读者参照学习,Applications QT and OpenCV prepared by the face recognition program code, suitable for use under linux reference opencv readers to learn
  3. 所属分类:Linux-Unix program

    • 发布日期:2017-05-19
    • 文件大小:5605303
    • 提供者:范德耀
  1. QtCapture.tar

  2. 用OPENCV获取摄像头的图象并直接在QT的界面上显示-OPENCV camera used to obtain the images and directly in the QT interface display
  3. 所属分类:Linux-Unix program

    • 发布日期:2017-03-24
    • 文件大小:1793
    • 提供者:欧阳
  1. QtOpenCV2

  2. This show how to combine opencv with qt
  3. 所属分类:GUI Develop

    • 发布日期:2017-03-29
    • 文件大小:251783
    • 提供者:Casper2004
  1. QtOpenCV

  2. qt+openCV捕捉摄像头,最简单的摄像头图像采集程序仅供参考。-qt,camera
  3. 所属分类:视频捕捉/采集

    • 发布日期:2017-03-28
    • 文件大小:3325
    • 提供者:鸟儿飞
  1. image_filters

  2. A set of image filters implemented in a QT gui, using opencv and ltilib
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-05-17
    • 文件大小:4850821
    • 提供者:Luciano
  1. opencv_qt_interface

  2. An interface to show image/video/capture using opencv and QT
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:
    • 文件大小:353711
    • 提供者:Luciano
  1. myimgLabeller

  2. A Qt4 and OpenCV program to label a image at pixel level, It has inbuild segmentation algorithm included, with a bar for varying parameters. Useful tool for annotating a image.
  3. 所属分类:Other systems

    • 发布日期:2017-05-11
    • 文件大小:3055314
    • 提供者:Chetan J
  1. videochat

  2. 自己写的一个把opencv和QT 放在一起的程序,能读摄像头然后显示出来,可以试一下。-Write a QT together the opencv and procedures, read the camera and then displayed, you can try.
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-04-09
    • 文件大小:2083486
    • 提供者:Maple H.L
  1. qt_opencv.tar

  2. 我把OpenCV的可以放到Qt里面了,这个可以直接修改用。OpenCV的HighGUI也可以用,总不是那么放心。-I can put Qt OpenCV' s inside, and this can modify the use. OpenCV' s HighGUI can also be used, not always so assured.
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-03-27
    • 文件大小:469908
    • 提供者:Maple H.L
  1. Test_Cam

  2. 在QT中调用OpenCV的库来捕获摄像头的图像并显示-Capture the images from a camera, using the library in OpenCV, developed in QT Creator
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-03-28
    • 文件大小:357598
    • 提供者:woody chan
  1. cvMovie20101027.tar

  2. Qt with Opencv for face detection. Using QTimer and VideoWidget tested Windows Vista and Linux Mint 9. IDE QtCreater
  3. 所属分类:Video Capture

    • 发布日期:2017-03-31
    • 文件大小:17696
    • 提供者:szproxy
  1. site

  2. it s a program made by QT and opencv that convert a color image to grey
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-05-01
    • 文件大小:577717
    • 提供者:wassim
  1. Qt_sample

  2. Exemple simple d utilisation de openCV avec Qt creator.
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-05-08
    • 文件大小:1814970
    • 提供者:Oranais
  1. qmotion-1.8

  2. QMotion 是一个采用 OpenCV 开发的运动检测程序,可以跟踪目标的运行方向。需要 QT 库支持-QMotion is a motion detection using OpenCV development program that can track the target' s direction of travel. QT library support needed
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-04-02
    • 文件大小:115823
    • 提供者:cuiy
  1. qt-opencv-qt-opencv-master.tar

  2. QT和openCV的结合,一个用于人脸检测的程序。-The combination of QT and openCV, one program for face detection.
  3. 所属分类:Graph Recognize

    • 发布日期:2017-03-22
    • 文件大小:180933
    • 提供者:sun11
  1. QTCapture

  2. the program displays the data from webcam using opencv libraries and qt
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2017-03-31
    • 文件大小:165268
    • 提供者:Serg
  1. OpenCV-2-Computer-Vision-Application-Programming-

  2. OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook by Robert Laganière, examples that work under Ubuntu 12.04 OpenCV with Qt-OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook by Robert Laganière, examples that work under Ub
  3. 所属分类:OpenCV

    • 发布日期:2013-07-03
    • 文件大小:8770833
    • 提供者:vasya
  1. Qt-OpenCV-Camera

  2. Linux下用qt OpenCV采集摄像头视频并显示,绝对可以运行,不卡,窗口可任意拖动。-Linux using QT OpenCV capture video camera and display, absolutely can run, no card, the window can be dragged.
  3. 所属分类:Linux-Unix program

    • 发布日期:2017-04-04
    • 文件大小:36263
    • 提供者:杨风
  1. FaceRecorder

  2. 基于Qt+OpenCV的人脸检测识别软件(Face detection and recognition software based on Qt+OpenCV)
  3. 所属分类:其他

    • 发布日期:2018-04-30
    • 文件大小:14336
    • 提供者:希尔-S
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